Libye: la commission électorale rejette la candidature de Seif al-Islam Kadhafi à la présidentielle (officiel)

Saif al-Islam, son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, indicates that Libya plans an enhanced oil recovery round to develop its production capacity during an interview with Reuters in Nice July 30, 2007. Libya has held three oil exploration licensing rounds since the end of Western sanctions against the government in 2004, awarding permits to firms in what is considered one of the world's last under-explored oil-promising regions.   REUTERS/Gilbert Tourte   (FRANCE) - RTR1SDZB
Saif al-Islam, son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, indicates that Libya plans an enhanced oil recovery round to develop its production capacity during an interview with Reuters in Nice July 30, 2007. Libya has held three oil exploration licensing rounds since the end of Western sanctions against the government in 2004, awarding permits to firms in what is considered one of the world's last under-explored oil-promising regions. REUTERS/Gilbert Tourte (FRANCE) - RTR1SDZB
Saif al-Islam, son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, indicates that Libya plans an enhanced oil recovery round to develop its production capacity during an interview with Reuters in Nice July 30, 2007. Libya has held three oil exploration licensing rounds since the end of Western sanctions against the government in 2004, awarding permits to firms in what is considered one of the world's last under-explored oil-promising regions. REUTERS/Gilbert Tourte (FRANCE) - RTR1SDZB

Libye: la commission électorale rejette la candidature de Seif al-Islam Kadhafi à la présidentielle (officiel)

Par (RFI)
Le 24/11/21 à 19:09
modifié 25/11/21 à 08:52
La commission électorale en Libye a annoncé ce mercredi 24 novembre 2021 avoir rejeté la candidature de Seif al-Islam Kadhafi, fils de l'ex-dictateur, à l'élection présidentielle prévue le 24 décembre. Recherché par la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) pour « crimes contre l'humanité », Seif Al-Islam Kadhafi, qui avait présenté sa candidature le 14 novembre, figure parmi les 25 candidats dont les dossiers ont été rejetés, selon un communiqué de la Haute commission électorale (HNEC).
Par (RFI)
Le 24/11/21 à 19:09
modifié 25/11/21 à 08:52