(FILES) In this file photo taken on November 3, 2020, shows the France-led special operations logo for the new Barkhane Task Force Takuba, a multinational military mission in sub-Saharan Africa's troubled Sahel region made up of soldiers from France, Estonia, the Czech Republic and Sweden, amongst others, and who are due to settle at the military base in Menaka, over the next few weeks. France suspends joint military operations with Malian forces, French defence ministry announced on June 3, 2021. -
/ AFP / Daphné BENOIT
(FILES) In this file photo taken on November 3, 2020, shows the France-led special operations logo for the new Barkhane Task Force Takuba, a multinational military mission in sub-Saharan Africa's troubled Sahel region made up of soldiers from France, Estonia, the Czech Republic and Sweden, amongst others, and who are due to settle at the military base in Menaka, over the next few weeks. France suspends joint military operations with Malian forces, French defence ministry announced on June 3, 2021. -
/ AFP / Daphné BENOIT
Le scénario était attendu, le voilà confirmé: Paris a annoncé vendredi la fin de la task force Takuba au Mali, une agrégation de forces spéciales européennes, victime collatérale des tensions avec les colonels au pouvoir à Bamako. Takuba, montée à grand-peine par l'ancienne ministre des Armées Florence Parly pour faire partager aux Européens le fardeau de la lutte contre les jihadistes au Sahel, a succombé aux deux coups d'Etat au Mali en août 2020 et mai 2021, à la dégradation brutale des relations franco-maliennes puis au départ cette année de la force antijihadiste française Barkhane.